eCourts Services App Help

  1. If you know the CNR Number of the Case, enter the 16 alphanumeric CNR Number without any – (hyphen) or space.
  2. Tap search button to get current status and entire history of the case.
  3. If you don’t know the CNR number of the Case then it can be searched by other options like Case Registration Number, Party Name, Advocate Name etc.
  1. Select the Court Complex from the select box.
  2. Enter the Party Name, in part (minimum 3 characters) or full - e.g. for searching the Party Name “Ramesh Narayan Yadav” either Ramesh, Narayan, Yadav, Ram, Nar etc. can be given as the search criteria.
  3. Party Name maybe the name of the Petitioner, Plaintiff, Complainant, Respondent, Defendant, Appellant, Accused or Extra Party.
  4. In the ‘Year’ box, enter the Case Registration Year.
  5. Tap on either the ‘Pending’ or ‘Disposed’ option, according to the status of the Case. If you don’t know the exact status of the Case, then tap on ‘Both’ option.
  6. Tap on the ‘Go’ button to get the list of Cases satisfying the given Party Name condition.
  7. From the list of search results, identify desired Party Name and tap on the identified Case to see entire Case History.
  1. Select desired ‘Court Complex’ from the select box.
  2. Select desired ‘Case Type’ from the select box.
  3. In the Case Number box, enter the Case Registration Number.
  4. In the ‘Year’ box, enter the Case Registration Year.
  5. Tap on ‘Go’ button, to get the search results satisfying the given Case Number condition.
  6. Tap on the case to see the Case History.
  1. Select desired ‘Court Complex’ from the select box.
  2. In ‘Filing Number’ box, enter Filing Number of the Case.
  3. In ‘Year’ box, enter Case Filing Year.
  4. Tap on ‘Go’ button, to get the search results satisfying the given Filing Number condition.
  5. Tap on the case to see the Case History.
  1. Select desired ‘Court Complex’ from the select box.
  2. Select desired ‘Police Station’ from the select box.
  3. In ‘FIR Number’ box, enter FIR Number of the case.
  4. In the ‘Year’ box, enter the FIR Year.
  5. Tap on either the ‘Pending’ or ‘Disposed’ option button, according to the status of the Case. If you don’t know the exact status of the Case, then tap on ‘Both’ option.
  6. Tap on ‘Go’ button, to get the Case satisfying the FIR Number search criteria.
  7. Tap on the case, to see the Case History.
  1. The Cases can be searched by either selecting the Advocate Name, Bar Registration Number or Advocate’s Cause List (to view the date wise cause list of Advocate) option buttons.
  2. Tap ‘Advocate Name’ option button, enter the Name of the Advocate in the box, in part (minimum 3 characters) or full - e.g. for searching the name of the advocate as “Suresh Mahohar Singh” either Suresh, Manohar, Singh, Sur, Sin etc., can be given.
  3. Tap ‘Bar Registration Number’ option button, enter the Bar Registration Number of the advocate, in the box, for e.g. MAH/XXXX/1982 (where MAH is the state code, XXXX is the bar registration number and 1982 is the year).
  4. Tap on either the ‘Pending’ or ‘Disposed’ option button, according to the status of the Case. If you don’t know the exact status of the Case, then tap on ‘Both’ option button. (refer to step 3 and 4 above only when option viz. ‘Advocate Name’ or ‘Bar Registration Number’ are used to search case status)
  5. Tap ‘Date Caselist’ option button and enter the Bar Registration Number in the box, for e.g. MAH/XXXX/1982 (where MAH is the State Code, XXXX is the Bar Registration Number and 1982 is the Year) and select the Cause List Date from the calendar control.
  6. While using options viz. ‘Advocate Name’ and ‘Bar Registration Number’, tap on the ‘Go’ button, to get the Cases satisfying given Advocate’s Name or Bar Registration Number condition. Tap on the case from the list, to see the Case History of the respective Case.
  7. While using ‘Date Caselist’ option, tap on ‘Go’ button to get the Advocate’s Cause List on the selected date.
  1. Since the Act List is very long, facility to search desired Act from the Act list is provided.
  2. Enter a few letters of desired Act name in the ‘Search Act’ box and press the ‘Search’ button.
  3. All Acts matching the search criteria are displayed in the ‘Act Type’ select box. Select the desired Act Type from the select box.
  4. If no search criteria are specified then, all the Acts are displayed in the Act Type select box. Select the desired Act name from the select box from entire list of Acts.
  5. In the ‘Under Section’ box, enter the Section of the already selected Act, which you want to search. If section is not entered in the ‘Under Section’ box, then Cases belonging to all the sections under the selected Act will be shown in search results.
  6. Tap on either the ‘Pending’ or ‘Disposed’ option button, according to the status of the Case.
  7. Tap on ‘Go’ button, to get the Cases satisfying the given ‘Act’ and ‘Under Section’ condition.
  8. Tap on the desired case from the list of search results to see the Case History.
  1. Select ‘Case Type’ from the select box.
  2. In ‘Year’ box, enter the Case Registration Year.
  3. Tap on either ‘Pending’ or ‘Disposed’ option button, according to status of the Case.
  4. Tap on ‘Go’ button, to get list of all Cases satisfying the given ‘Case Type’ condition.
  5. Tap on the case from the list of search results to see the Case History.
  1. Select ‘Court Complex’ of the Cause list to be displayed.
  2. Select desired ‘Court Name’ from the Select box. Court Name also shows the court number, the judge name and the designation of the judge which is generally displayed on the Causelist.
  3. Select Cause list Date from the calendar control.
  4. Tap on ‘Civil’ or ‘Criminal’ button to display Civil or Criminal Cause list of the selected Court and Date.
  1. Your saved cases are shown in My Cases.
  2. Cases are grouped by court establishment name.
  3. Court establishment are grouped by district and State name.
  4. Tap on Refresh button to update details of cases.

  1. Tap on Today's Cases button to view todays cases.
  2. Select date from calendar and tap on the adjacent search button.

  1. You can add case by tapping Add Case button on case history page.
  2. Added case is marked with saved Case button on case history page.

  1. You can remove case by tapping Remove Case button on case history page.

  1. You can export cases on device storage.
  2. Tap on Export menu to Export cases
  3. Allow Application to access files on your device.
  4. By default file is stored at

  1. You can import cases which are previously exported on device.
  2. Tap on Import menu to import cases.
  3. Import option will override all the cases in My Cases.
  4. Cases saved after Export will not be available after Import.

      Pending over 10 years.
      Pending over 5 years.
      Pending over 2 years.
      Pending less than 2 years.
      Disposed Case